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All players must check in with the golf shop prior to play. All players are to have their own bag and set of clubs. Play is to begin on the #1 tee unless instructed otherwise by golf shop personnel. All food and beverages must be purchased from the course. All players are expected to wear appropriate golf attire and act in accordance to the spirit and etiquette of the game at all times on the property, both toward other players and golf course personnel.


Cart Rules

Golf carts are to be used for golfing activities only. They are not to be used for any other purpose unrelated to golf. The use of a riding golf cart on the course obligates the user to obey the following cart rules and regulations:
A. Follow roping and or signage around greens, avoiding riding on approaches.

B. Stay a minimum of 10 yards outside bunker banks.

C. Cart paths are to be used, where available, especially when wet conditions exist.

D. During soft turf conditions, carts are to avoid roped areas and follow all directional signage.

E. No more than two riders per cart.

F. Any junior, 18 and over, with a valid driver's license, may operate a cart unaccompanied.

G. Any junior, under 18, with a valid driver's license, may operate a cart only in the company of his/her parent.

H. No junior under 16 may operate a cart at any time.

I. No more than one child at least four (4) years of age is allowed to ride in a golf cart at any one time and may only do so when accompanied by and under the direct supervision of an adult member.

J. Carts are assigned by the Golf Staff.

K. Members are responsible for any injury or damages incurred when operating the carts.

L. The Golf Course Superintendent has the authority to restrict cart usage due to weather or course conditions.

M. Carts are assigned by the Golf Staff.


Compliance with the following rules is required of all members, their family members, and guests:
A. Replace all divots and press them down. Turf cut or displaced by a player must be replaced at once and pressed down with the foot.

B. Rake and smooth bunkers immediately after use to remove footprints and depressions. Rakes are to be left outside of bunkers and out of play as much as possible.

C. Repair ball marks on putting surfaces immediately upon reaching the green.

D. You must allow faster players to play through. A group that falls one (1) hole behind must allow faster players to play through.

E. In a match, the player who has the honor should be allowed to play before the opponent tees the ball. In all other play while first, making sure other players are not at risk, play "ready golf'” to keep the pace of play moving.

F. No player should play from a tee until the players in front have played their second strokes and are out of range, nor play up to any putting green, until the players on the green have holed out and moved off the green.

G. Players looking for a lost ball should immediately invite the group behind them to pass through if the time of search exceeds 3 minutes.  After giving the signal to the group behind to pass, the group should not continue playing until those playing through have passed and are out of range.

H. Any member throwing a golf club during play, or any behavior unbecoming of a member will be subject to censure, and possible suspension of golf privileges.

I. Except in Club-sponsored competitive events, members wishing to play music during the course of play may do so only when: (a) all other members, if any, in the same foursome or group consent, and (b) the volume is kept sufficiently low such that it is not audible to others on the course. Other players on the course are expected to politely inform those playing music if it is audible to them, in which case members playing music are to lower the volume accordingly.

CALL 802.760.4653 (GOLF) OR 802.253.4893

Reservations: Members may reserve tee times 14 days in advance; Public may request for a preview play using our Tee Time Request Form. Tee times are every 10 minutes
  • During peak periods, players must adhere to Pace of Play Policy (below)
  • Twelve or more players are considered a group and may conform to a different combination discounted services and fees.
  • Five-somes may be allowed during off-peak times at the sole discretion of the golf shop.
  • Standby, or walk-in groups of any size, are encouraged and will be accommodated at the first available opportunity.
  • Players making reservations of less than four players should plan on being paired with another player or players by the golf shop.
In an effort to ensure that the golf course is being utilized to its maximum capacity, the following policy notes are in place to limit and monitor ‘No Show’ or ‘Short Show’ tee times.
  1.  A “No Show” is any tee time which was reserved for a member or guest who did not show up to play golf at their reserved time. A “Short Show’ is a tee time reserved for more than the intended number of players.
  2.  If a player is not able to utilize their tee time reservation the player cancels at least 24 hours in advance by contacting the Golf Shop by phone or in person. As a minimum, unwanted tee times must be canceled at least 12 hours before the reserved tee time. Continued abuse of the tee time cancellation policy may lead to loss of advanced tee times reservations.
The most important item to remember is to keep up with the group in front of you. If you or your group falls behind on one hole, you are expected to play efficiently and regain your position. This might mean playing ready golf and continuous putting, both of which are allowed in stroke play.

Groups stopping for lunch at the turn lose their place on the 10th tee and should wait for an opening to proceed.  
Due to the nature of events, we ask that you commit to your reservation so that we can accommodate as many Members as possible and honor our commitment to vendors and other departments who are supporting the event. All events have a one week cancellation policy, where Club Members are subject to being charged in-full for an event if they do not show at the event or cancel within the given time frame. 
Please check the forecast prior to playing. If rain is in the forecast, there are no rain checks. A rain check may be issued only if the golf course superintendent or golf operations manager deems the course unplayable. Players are expected to continue play during rain and/or drizzle. Rain checks are issued based on the number of unplayed holes. Rain checks expire at the end of the season.
The weather can change quickly and any outdoor activity on Club property is engaged in at the sole risk of the participant(s). The Mountain Course and Stowe Country Club golf courses are both equipped with lightning detection systems that will sound an automatic alarm for any lightning strike detected within 10 miles (solid horn blast). All players or event participants are required to seek adequate shelter by their own accord, until the all-clear alert sounds (3 horn blasts) and there is a 30 minute threshold without a lightning strike before returning to the golf course, pool, or outdoor event. For the safety of our team, once a lightning alarm sounds, staff cannot provide assistance to those in outdoor areas until the all-clear alert is sounded.  Our system’s parameters are the suggested settings detailed by The National Weather Service.

Monitor play delays HERE
Men: Shirts must be worn at all times and collars are recommended. Denim, tank tops and athletic attire are not permitted. Women: Backless & bare midriff garments are not permitted. All players: short shorts, cutoffs & metal spikes and athletic cleats are prohibited.
Following the delay, tee times will tee off in order of the originally scheduled tee time.
All rounds played between March 15 to November 30 are included in the computation of handicaps. Handicaps are updated daily. New participants in this service must have three (3) 18-hole scores which can be a combination of 9-hole scores, posted before an official handicap index can be provided. An official handicap index is required in order to participate in Club tournaments.

All scores posted for handicaps are to be adjusted according to the World Handicap System. This system sets a maximum score that can be posted on any hole. The maximum score is net double bogey is equal to par of the hole plus two strokes plus any handicap strokes the player receives on that hole. There is no limit to the number of holes in a round where a net double bogey adjustment can be applied. If you do not finish a hole, please record the score that you most likely would have had with the maximum not exceeding net double bogey.

As a general rule, you should post all scores no matter where you play. There are conditions that must be met in order to be acceptable. Listed are rules to follow in specific cases:
• Post a score if you play 9 or 18-holes. The handicap system will automatically record, store, and combine 9-hole scores
• If 14 or more holes are played, the player must post an 18-hole score. If 7 to 13 holes are played, the player must post a 9-hole score. On the holes not played, record par plus any handicap strokes you would have received
• When you pick up on a hole, record down the score you most likely would have made. If this score is higher than net double bogey (maximum score allowed under the World Handicap System), adjust your score to this maximum
• Scores in both match play and stroke play must be posted for handicap purposes
• Scores must be posted the day the round is played by midnight. Scores not posted by midnight are subject to a penalty post

Members have the ability to post their scores either at the Club’s handicap terminals or through the GHIN app. The Club encourages you to post hole by hole for proper computation of maximum net double bogey. 

More information on score posting can be found at

The following guidelines provide the current standards:
• Playing alone and necessary peer review: to further support the key system premise of peer review, scores made while playing alone are not acceptable for handicap purposes
• When fewer than seven holes are played
• When playing on a golf course in an area in which an inactive season established by the authorized golf association is in effect
• When a majority of the holes are not played in accordance with the principles of the Rules of Golf (i.e., anchoring)
• When as a condition of the competition, the maximum number of clubs allowed is less than 14, or types of clubs are limited e.g. in a competition that allows only iron clubs
• When scores are made on a course with no USGA Course or Slope Rating
• When a player carries or uses non-conforming clubs or non-conforming balls
• When playing a format where you do not play your own ball for each shot (Foursome, Alternate Shot, Scramble, etc.)